Having Fun!
On September 24th, we celebrated Mom's 61st Birthday with dinner and cake! It was so nice to be together and celebrate. :) This was also her chemo free week, so she and Dad took a day trip to the Sherwood Celtic Music Festival outside of Austin. We also celebrated Elaine's birthday, Dad's 60th Birthday {thank you, Vanessa and TCC friends!} and Oliver's 1st Birthday! We've enjoyed lots of time together as a family in the last month.
Central Port Surgery
Mom had surgery to place her power port on September 30th. The procedure went well, but recovery took a little time. She was doing well after about a week, and I think she's happy to have the PICC line out.On September 24th, we celebrated Mom's 61st Birthday with dinner and cake! It was so nice to be together and celebrate. :) This was also her chemo free week, so she and Dad took a day trip to the Sherwood Celtic Music Festival outside of Austin. We also celebrated Elaine's birthday, Dad's 60th Birthday {thank you, Vanessa and TCC friends!} and Oliver's 1st Birthday! We've enjoyed lots of time together as a family in the last month.
mom's birthday // the grandkids and mom at dad's surprise party at work // family dinner for dad's birthday |
mom & dad at the music fest // awesome sunset on the way home! |
Chemo & Cancer Markers Update
Mom has completed nine rounds of chemo and is on a chemo free week right now! Yay! The last round of chemo was harder for her to bounce back from. She ran a temperature between 99 and 100 for several days following chemo {common side effect} and has been having some pain from the tumors in the liver. She's gaining strength and feeling good today, so we are thankful and hoping that continues.
Following the cancer markers through blood work is one way to track the progress of treatment. On October 3rd, the cancer markers were down from 40,000 to 22,000 and the liver enzymes showed improvement! That was a huge praise!! On October 17th, the cancer markers slightly increased from 22,000 to 23,000. While that's not what we were hoping for, we hope it was just a blip and we'll see improvement next time.
CT Scan & Coming Up
Mom had a CT scan to track progress today {October 27th}. She will have round 10 of chemo next Friday, October 31st and should hear the results of the CT scan and the latest cancer markers.
Thank you to those that have been helping with food and for all of the prayers and support! We are so thankful for each of you and appreciate your continued prayers for mom and dad and for the tumors to shrink and for the cancer markers to decrease! Thanks!
PS ~ We're participating in the PurpleStride Walk on November 8th at Klyde Warren Park. We would LOVE for you to join our team as we walk together for mom and to support the fight against pancreatic cancer! CLICK HERE for our team page or contact Kathleen for more information at kathleen@cervenka.com.
Mom has completed nine rounds of chemo and is on a chemo free week right now! Yay! The last round of chemo was harder for her to bounce back from. She ran a temperature between 99 and 100 for several days following chemo {common side effect} and has been having some pain from the tumors in the liver. She's gaining strength and feeling good today, so we are thankful and hoping that continues.
Following the cancer markers through blood work is one way to track the progress of treatment. On October 3rd, the cancer markers were down from 40,000 to 22,000 and the liver enzymes showed improvement! That was a huge praise!! On October 17th, the cancer markers slightly increased from 22,000 to 23,000. While that's not what we were hoping for, we hope it was just a blip and we'll see improvement next time.
our beautiful lady. |
Mom had a CT scan to track progress today {October 27th}. She will have round 10 of chemo next Friday, October 31st and should hear the results of the CT scan and the latest cancer markers.
Thank you to those that have been helping with food and for all of the prayers and support! We are so thankful for each of you and appreciate your continued prayers for mom and dad and for the tumors to shrink and for the cancer markers to decrease! Thanks!

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