Contact Us

This blog is maintained by Kathleen & Elaine, Jerry & Dianna's daughters. If you would like our parents' contact information or to help with meals, please feel free to contact either of us.


Also, Mom reads all messages left as comments on the blog. She and Dad are so appreciative for each kind message. Thank you so much!


  1. Dianna and Jerry, I just got this blog info from Jimmy and Mary Frances. We had lunch Tuesday and caught up on all family doings. I have so enjoyed seeing your wonderful family pictures and have been praying regularly for you both and all of your loved ones for the past few months.
    Stay brave and strong. Your have a great support system for which there is much to be thankful. God is with you! My love, Barbara Browder

  2. I know I and my family are praying for you. You've been in our thoughts since we first heard. Much love to you and the whole family. ~Cayce

  3. Dianna, I could not wait to see you for my 6 month check up Feb. 18th , I had so much to share with you. Boy was I shocked and saddened to find out you have cancer. But Dianna I know with your wonderful spirit if anyone can beat this disease you can! I will be praying for your healing, your families strength and Gods grace and mercy. Take care of yourself my dear , Terri Chube

  4. Hope your day was good, you are such a blessing an are going throught this with such grace. A person can see your faith all over you. Enjoy making memories with those beautiful grand babies. You have such a pretty smile. Tom & I are keeping you in are prayers. Paula

  5. Dianna and the Coats family,

    I have been following this blog and although it has been a battle, the strength you as a family hold is beyond belief. It has been a long time since I have seen a family with ties so strong that I can only believe there is hope for you all. May god bless your family. I will continue praying loud and proud as well as keeping your family on the prayer list at church. Keep faith and strength alive.

  6. Jerry and Dianna,
    You are in my prayers daily. Keep the faith!
    Darla Shannon

  7. Jerry and family,
    I was so sorry to read of Dianna's death in the Wednesday obituaries. I'm sorry I did not learn of her illness earlier. When I first started going to Dr. Slate a few years ago, Dianna was still there, but preparing to leave. I loved running into her and catching up with her and hearing about Jerry and the family. We also talked about birding, though she was obviously much more knowledgeable than me. Please accept my deepest sympathy. I can tell from this blog that Dianna has a loving, fun and funny family. I'm very glad of that.
