Well, the blood work showed that her body, especially the liver, was not strong enough for chemo. While her red blood cell count was good due to the recent transfusion, the bilirubin and liver enzymes were at levels where chemo could cause liver failure.
With this news, Mom & Dad made the decision to discontinue treatment. It is a blessing to know that Mom will not be undergoing another round of chemo, especially one with unknown side effects when her body is already tired. Mom will continue to eat healthy, exercise when she's able and enjoy this time without treatment. We look forward to creating many more memories and enjoying lots of time together! We started by having an impromptu family dinner last night, along with some group selfies. :)
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family selfie. |
mom with the girls & boys |
our coats family |
mom & dad ~ a beautiful love |
Thank You
We have been blown away by the number of sweet friends and family that have requested bracelets. We are excited to send them to each of you! Mom & Dad have have truly not been alone in this fight. Every blog comment, text, email, Facebook message, meal and offer to help has reminded Mom, Dad and our immediate family of how many truly genuine and loving people there are in the world. We are blessed by each of you. Thank you for your love and support as we continue this journey together!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the blog, it made me realize that sometimes we don't know what to say. So I will say what God has laid on my heart. I lost my mom in 1988 and then my dad in 1995. I felt all alone when returning home after being gone several days making arrangements and attending my dad's funeral. As soon as I returned to Dallas from the funeral, my doctor advised me that I had cancer and I would not be here the following year without surgery and no guarantees even with surgery. I decided to make memories at that time and took my boys to Disney World. I rode rides with my kids that I would have never even thought about getting on had I not thought this would probably be the last time and I wanted to make memories. I was scared and did not know what to do when I was told that I had cancer. I even started doubting my salvation. I did not know if it was God's will for me to live or die and I did not want to pray contrary to His will so I did not pray to be healed. I then prayed to God that in the event that I did not survive the cancer that I wanted assurance that I would be with Him to spend eternity. At the end of my prayer, I felt that assurance and did not care whether or not I would survive as the peace I received was more important than life itself. I was then impressed by God that I should share this peace with others all of my remaining days. It is my hope and desire that you have this same peace which can only be given by God himself. This is the peace that passeth all human understanding. It is my desire that all of my family and everyone I know receive this peace. To me personally, there is nothing more important in life than this peace and life is not worth living without it. This message may be a little too personal, but it comes from my heart and it is what God has laid on my heart. May God continue to bless Dianna and all of her family which is also my family. God bless all of you.
Dianna just wanted you to know Tom an I are praying for you and your family. My prayer today is that you would have a pain free day and enjoy those sweet gran babies . Blessing to you. Paula
ReplyDeleteSo much to see and do and enjoy! Thank you for sharing all the wonderful pictures and thoughts, hugs, and most of all the courage and strength and faith that you've shown throughout this journey. We love you guys and send many hugs and prayers your way!
ReplyDeleteLove the photos and memories you are making! I am in awe of your courage and strength you have had through this diagnosis, treatment and roller coaster of emotions. I will continue to pray for your family. I hope you make many more memories! Sending lots of love your way!
ReplyDeleteIt is so good to see your smiling faces in this trying time! You guys are easily the most loving and inspiring family I know. Glad you get to spend your time focusing on being together and making memories. I am thinking about you every day. I love you guys!
ReplyDeleteJerry and Dianna
ReplyDeleteI love the photos and the one of just the two of you is so incredibly beautiful. Thinking of you and your family every day!
Jerry and Dianna my heart and prayers are with you as you navigate this difficult journey May you have more pain free and love filled days than bad and know the entire Oklahoma side of your family is daily lifting you up to God in prayer! The love you have for each other remains as strong and powerful today as when you 1st were together it is shown through your dedication to each other and family. Please know I love you and wish you God Speed Lisa Kay
ReplyDeleteYou guys are such a lovely and loving family. It shines through in these fabulous photos. Love you all so much. Warm and caring thoughts are with you all. Marla
ReplyDeleteDianna, you are still in Paula's and my prayers. May God give you a special touch of his love and compassion. God loves you very much and He hurts when you hurt. God bless you and all of your family which is also my family.
ReplyDeleteThis is the day that the Lord hath made. Let us be glad and rejoice in it. Dianna, it is my prayer that you will enjoy this day that the Lord hath made and feel the loving arms of the Lord as He wants you to have a very special day. I am not there to give you a hug so tell everyone around you to give you a hug for me. May the Lord give you extra helping of love and comfort today. God bless you and all of your family.
ReplyDeleteHope your day was good, we had some sun shine today ,that always makes me better. Hope you all got son shine also. I tried to post a picture of Jillian that I took when we got to see them last month. It was of her being a Dr. So cute. Her and Oliver are just beautiful anyways. Will be praying for you and family tonight. Seems like it is always late at night to really do my visit with God. Will anyways hope this note fines you better and know you are loved and covered in prayer. Paula
ReplyDeleteDianna, I doubt that anyone has told you that you remind them of Clint Eastwood, but that is who you remind me of. He is well known for saying, "Make my day" and you have made my day many times and I am sure that everyone that knows you will say the same thing. You make so many people's day over and over again. Thank you for making my day and being such an inspiration to me and so many others. Now, if I call you Clint sometimes, you will know what I mean. God bless you and all of your family.
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ReplyDeleteIn God's Hands. There is no better way to say it. It is good to know that through difficult times, God takes us by the hand and leads us. Have you ever wondered what it is like for those who go through difficult times without Christ in their lives? It is beyond my comprehension and I would not want to be there. I would never have made it without Christ being there holding me by the hand and carrying me when I could no longer go on when I was going through very difficult times. How appropriate for the Coats family to have the blog titled, "In God's Hands". Such a loving Christian family that enjoys the good times and sticks together during the tough times and depends on God's to carry everyone through the tough times. I am proud to be a part of this wonderful Christian family. God bless you all.
ReplyDeletegood morning, I just wanted you to know that you have been on my heart and mind through the night and that you have been prayed for when ever God brings you to my mind. I feel it is a privilege to go to Our Lord Jesus on your behalf. Know you are loved and prayed for by many.
ReplyDeleteHello, just wanted to stop by and tell you that I hope and pray you have had a good day. The sunshine being out here has made me feel better. Well anyways know you are being covered in prayer and thoughts of you often during the day. God bless you and your family. God loves you and so do I.
ReplyDeleteStill praying for everyone. God bless all of you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful family! I admire how supportive you are of each other and how much love you share. The pictures say it all. Know that I think of you and your family often, as they are all in my prayers. Courtney Kopecky